Yesterday I woke up at 6 am, like I do every morning. Normally I make a huge mug of coffee and watch the news while I wait on a call to substitute. Yesterday, I decided to stay in bed and throw myself a pitty party. I thought, poor pitiful me! Why am I unemployed? I feel like a reject....blah, blah, blah... it kept going until I finally got out of bed. As I tried to think of things to do I became extremely discouraged because none of it had a real purpose, it was just something to do so that I had something to do.
Finally, I opened my Bible and began to read in Luke about Jesus visiting. Mary was chillin at Jesus feet, soaking up every second of His presence and Martha got upset because she wasnt helping prepare dinner. Then Jesus said this," Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her". Luke 10:41
Talk about a wake up call. Foldgers in my cup dosent have anything on that! I read this verse on a weekly basis. I need to in order to keep myself in check. I am constantly wanting to go, do, help, serve, be and put my hard work ethic to good use. But God has brought me to a season in my life that requires me to just be still. Oh, it is hard. I decided to try something new yesterday. I thanked God for this season in my life and for the plans He has for Andrew and me, because I know this is not all there is. This is the calm before the the storm. God has more planned for us. And if I dont enjoy life now, I will probably not enjoy it later.
So I layed in my hammock for a couple of hours with a good book and enjoyed the AMAZING weather and the sound of the river running behind me. It was pretty cool to be able to just enjoy the day.
I also got to enjoy lunch with Andrew... any time with my husband is a good time. I loved that I could enjoy his lunch hour with him.
I spent a little time on Pinterest; it is a very important part of everyday :) hehe! And I found this video. Prepare yourself for all the cuteness!
(I hope it works.. if not youtube Daily Affirmation. It is the little girl standing on the kitchen sink.)
I think this is exactly what I need to do every morning! Andrew will be THRILLED to here it at 6am! :)
Moral of the story:
I chose to thank God instead of question Him and my day was very enjoyable!!
So, trust God with every detail of your life, thank Him for it (that is obvious but not always easy) it makes the days easier than allowing bitterness to camp out in your heart.
Dancing and singing about what you like on the bathroom sink every morning is a must!!
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