Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Letter to the College Freshman.

Dear College Freshman, 

I am guessing that by now you are settling into your new life as a college kid. I am sure you have already seen new things and been invited to a party or two. I am sure your head is spinning with excitement for the chance to be free and independent.

This semester you will probably learn that; now is when you make life long friendships and that boy that you met at the REC- it is possible he could be your next boyfriend. Just saying;), coffee is a good thing, staying ahead on your assigned reading will probably not happen but you better not get behind, the best nights of your life will be the ones that you did not plan, not every cute guy is nice and not every nerdy guy is well...nerdy, college football is an experience all on its own, roommates...well, you learn to love them, free food is good food and free t-shirts feel like Christmas day.
I'm sure by now you have gotten into the grove of making decisions for yourself. Go to the party or stay in, watch Greys Anatomy and dine on McDonalds? Go to class or sleep in? To get a tattoo or not get a tattoo, that is the real question. Who am I and where am I going? Lets be honest, that is the scariest question. You have the chance to re-create yourself in college because no one knows you. Chances are, you know you. Trust that. Do not try to fit yourself into situations and groups of people that you know are not "you". 

I spent a long time trying to figure out how to say this in a simple way and yesterday as I was sitting in my first class of my first day of Seminary my prof said this during his lecture:

"Someone will ask you how they know that they have a purpose in life and you tell them that humans are the only thing in the whole universe that is made in Gods image. That gives them purpose".

So who are "you"- a child and creation of God, made in His image. Let that be your foundation in every decision. Everything else that you chose to be and do is secondary to that. 

So, go to class, go to church, call your mom, get the tattoo,lay off the McDonald's, make friends, try new things (good things), go on adventures and live the college experience. Just do not forget who you are and where you come from. Because if you lose sight of that you will lose the right perspective on everything. 

Love, me

PS: Just do not follow in Miley's footsteps :)

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