Wednesday, December 27, 2017

I'm back! Maybe for good this time!

Hello, again! It's been a while since I popped my head in, told a story and the left. I've had a lot of request these days! The biggest one being to start posting pictures of my kids on Facebook (not sure I'm going to start but that's another blog post) and the request I've been getting for years is to start blogging again.

I stopped blogging when Sadie was born because sleep deprivation, anxiety and post pardon-depression. Then it was just anxiety that held me back. The longer I went between posting the more people that I didn't know read my blog asked me to write again and it scared me. To be honest, I started the blog because I was lonely. Now I do still struggle with loneliness(thanks social anxiety) but I have more people in my circle that could potentially read my blog and then there it is. I walk into Sunday school and everyone knows my struggles and pain. So I just stopped blogging. But the more and more I pray about my future and the dreams I want to pursue, The stronger I get a longing in my heart to write again, "God, I don't know if I can be vulnerable again. I'm too weird to be any good at this." I pray. And then someone comes along and says "I check your blog often to see if you have anything new. I am waiting."

This blog is about nothing, other than to say that I am back on one condition. You have to promise to not judge me. I struggle with breaking through the small talk stage of my friendships. I long for deeper friendships and I'm afraid that this will just turn people further away from me, but it could also be what I need! I also struggle with anxiety (it will probably be a topic woven into many of my blogs) I fear that if you know to much about me you will think less of me. But here is the truth I am holding on to, God has knit me together, I am perfectly and wonderfully made. I am perfectly flawed because even though I strive to not sin, I still do. And so do you (great encouragement right? It's a spiritual gift)! I am called to serve God in whatever way He calls me to; and seeing how the nagging tightness I get in my chest every time I don't have time to write won't go away, I assume this is something I need to do. My goal is to encourage women, young mothers, socially awkward and the struggling. I hope to always point you to Jesus as I write about what he is doing in my life.

So let's start this off with a little chat. What are your goals for the new year? Mine is to write. What would you like to read about? Also, does anyone use blogger anymore? Should I switch to something more trendy?