Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Letter to the Anti-Christian

I was looking around iTunes a few weeks ago and came across a song that really disturbed me and the message of the song has been weighing heavy on my heart since then. The lyrics went like this, "If you don't go to church you'll go to hell, if you're the first one on the front row you're a self righteous son of a- cant win for losing you'll just disappoint em, just cause you cant beat em, don't mean you should join em".

After hearing the song I was overwhelmed with curiosity about how this person lives. What I continued to gather from this person was that because Christians are so judgmental and hateful towards non-believers, she strongly disliked them and has the wrong idea about who God is.

I said all that because I want to address this type of person, the Anti-Christian. I know most people that read my blog are family and friends but there are some people whom I have hurt that could stumble upon this and it could make a difference.

Dear You,

     I see your rebellion against God and it makes my heart ache. Not because of your actions, but because of how you got there. I understand that you have been judged in the past by people who claim to be a Christian and I can understand the bitter taste in your mouth towards God and anyone affiliated with Him. I am writing this letter to apologize and to let you in on a secret.
    First, I am so sorry that you have gotten the wrong impression of the Great and Powerful God that I love. His people have lead you to believe that He is as crude and judgmental as they are. Exodus 33 says that God is first, gracious and second, a judge. He does judge and discipline but it is all out of love. 
    I am sorry that by our judgments and actions you think that you need to be perfect and follow a bunch of rules to know the Awesome God that we serve. Or you do not care to know God because of our nose in the air. I bet that word scares you, serve... why should you "serve" anyone, right? It is a service but its not the " yes, Mista Masta" kind of service like so many believe that it is. Serving God is the most freeing feeling in the world. The service comes from your actions, living your life in a way that reflects Christ.
      I am truly and deeply sorry if someone has told you how awful you are because of your lifestyle. Sometimes, Christian or not, we do not understand other peoples issues because we are struggling with our own problems. I am so sorry you have the wrong idea about the Love of God because of our glances, whispers and out right calling you out.
     When you make the decision to live for Christ you do not turn into a "Holier Than Thou" robot, you are still you. I am not sure when or why that idea started floating around but it is totally wrong. God made you, whether you follow him or not, and He made you the way you are on purpose.
      Lets be honest, sin is fun but it is a temporary high and more than likely guilt follows it, even for you who claim to not care. At the end of the day we are looking for one thing, love. I know that because that is how God created us, to love and be loved. Being a Christian does not shield is from sin, it just means that we are forgiven and do not have to carry guilt around like a ton of bricks. God does not expect us to be sinless, He expects us to be obedient. The common thought these days is that God counts your wrongs and you have to work to make up for it. That is so not true! Every mistake you make God forgives,  He good choice you make God celebrates but not matter what you do, good or bad, God accepts you with open arms.  
    Would you like to know a secret? The Church pews are full of people that screw up on a daily basis, we ARE hypocritical and judgmental but we ARE human. We do have our own struggles and demons on our back. We do sin. We are not perfect people, we serve a perfect God. Sometimes we get confused about that. I wish I could tell you why we seem so crude and put together at the same time. I wish I had an answer for all the judgement. I wish I had an answer for all the times that someone has told you how horrible you are "in the name of Jesus". The only explanation I have is that we struggle with understanding the true meaning of grace.  I wish I could help you to understand what we are really all about and when we "push Jesus down your throat" it is not because we are judging you, it is because we love you. All I ask is that you have a more open mind about the people you hate for "having a closed mind".

Love (and I mean that),

P.S. To the people who claim to be Christians, love people more and judge less, we really are becoming a minority and our judgments do not help. Lead people to Christ with your actions before you speak a word. 

I am open for discussion :)